Po latach. Pamięć
Dariusz Kubok, Karina Rzendkowska
Wydawnictwo Biblioteki Śląskiej, Katowice 2024
This book is simultaneously a collection of poetry and an art album, a dialogue between two artistic imaginations—two intrinsic poetics that complement and complete one another. Dariusz Kubok, a poet and professor of philosophy at the University of Silesia in Katowice, typically explores reality through the disciplined tools of his field. Yet in this volume, he dares to do what philosophers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jean-Paul Sartre have done before him: he turns to the language of literature to express an emotional truth that academic discourse cannot adequately convey but without which his understanding of the world would remain incomplete.
It is within this imaginative space that the Poet meets the Artist—Karina Rzendkowska, a graduate of the Graphic Arts Faculty at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Katowice branch. Her artistic pursuits serve as a nonverbal analogue to Kubok’s philosophical explorations. Through her silk batik work, Karina builds bridges between modernity and tradition, illuminating the familiar with what seems distant. Simultaneously, her experiments with mixed media—combining batik, painting, and photography in digital transformations—allow her to translate the elemental human experience into symbols that transcend words.
Karina’s artworks reveal the self as a function of matter and imagination, as the vibration of restless atoms—the same atoms that form oceans, rocks, and trees—manifesting through resonance with the Other: being and perception, physicality and projection, phenomenon and interpretation. Entangled in the absurdity of existence, we undergo constant metamorphoses: immortal at the elemental level, yet disappearing when memory fades. Are we beings-for-ourselves, beings-in-themselves, or beyond such dichotomies? Conditioned by memory, sustained in memory, and absent without it, immobilized in a silent, undifferentiated essence without an imagined future, we grapple with the question of life’s meaning—a question, contrary to appearances, that can be answered.
The polysemiotic dialogue between Dariusz Kubok and Karina Rzendkowska invites individual reflection, unrestrained by academic discourse yet requiring a readiness to empathize. The ordinariness of matter, like the ordinariness of experience, does not render either trivial. This poetic-artistic volume speaks to the “ordinary-extraordinary” individuals—those whose sensitivity enables them to identify with the emotions embedded in these poetic and visual images, compelling them to ask about the ethical foundations of their relationships with themselves, the Other, and the world they are inseparably part of. It prompts inquiry into the profound meaning of every choice, belief, and above all, every lived day.
Paweł Jędrzejko
Kawałki i inna poezja…
Dariusz Kubok
Wydawnictwo: Magic 2011
na początku
(wtedy gdy jeszcze był)
naciskałem mocno ołówek
wgniatając grafit
tak głęboko
że na szóstej stronie
stały jeszcze mocno litery
z otwartymi ustami
trzymałem go w pięści
robiąc krok
jakby zgiętą nogą
która buszuje w nieskończoności
mającą tylko jedną twarz:
biel pozbawioną stron
(jeśli jeszcze jest)
piszę na jednej stronie
tak że czasami
rękę porywa mi wiatr
pacholę drewna
a raczej lasu
żyjącego i tego
które leży nieżywe na tartaku
pacholę przytartaczne
w starym domu
z nowym lśniącym dachem
pacholę starości
obciążonej kamieniami bólu
i dziecięcych zabaw w rodzinę
pacholę samotne
wśród gromady krzyczących piskląt
z których jedne było martwe
pacholę z samym jutrem
które nauczyło się dobrze żegnać
pacholę moje
wianuszku stokrotek
bosy biegaczu klocowiska
wiem że cię boli