A selection of recent authored and edited books:
Problem apeiron i peras w filozofii przedsokratejskiej (Problem of apeiron and peras in the Presocratic Philosophy), Katowice 1998.
Prawda i mniemania. Studium filozofii Parmenidesa z Elei (Truth and belief. Study of the Philosophy of Parmenides of Elea), Katowice 2004.
Prawda i świat człowieka. Studia i szkice filozoficzne, red. D. Kubok (Truth and the Human World. Studies and Philosophical sketches, ed. by D. Kubok), Katowice 2008.
Thinking Critically: What Does It Mean? The Tradition of Philosophical Criticism and Its Forms in the European History of Ideas. Ed. by D. Kubok, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2018.
Krytycyzm, sceptycyzm i zetetycyzm we wczesnej filozofii greckiej (Criticism, Skepticism and Zeteticism in Early Greek Philosophy), Katowice 2021
Atmospheric Health, Nature and Well-being. Towards a Philosophy of the Garden, by Paweł Jędrzejko, Marcin Fabjański, Dariusz Kubok, Routledge 2025.
Articles and chapters in monographs: Several dozen internationally recognized publications.
Conference Activity: Over one hundred presentations at academic conferences.
Academic Conference Organization (a Selection of Most Relevant Events):
- Oblicza prawdy w filozofii, etyce i polityce, 2005;
- IX Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny, Wisła, 2012;
- Workshop at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, 2016.
- International Conference: Tradition and forms of criticism in European philosophy (Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung), 2017;
- Wątpienie – zdziwienie – ciekawość. Myślenie krytyczne jako cel kształcenia, 2021.
Editorial Activity:
- Editor-in-Chief Folia Philosophica (Scopus database);
- Member of the Editorial Board: Idea. Studia na Strukturą i Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych;
- Member of the Advisory Board: Ostium Open-Access Journal for Humanities;
- Member of the Editorial Committee: Studia i Teksty z Dziejów Recepcji Filozofii Starożytnej.
- Editor of the Series: “Filozofia,”, “Studia Philosophica Silesiensia” – University of Silesia in Katowice.
Academic Awards:
- Award of the Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, 2005, 2009, 2016, 2019, 2022, 2023;
- Nomination to an individual award of The Jan Dlugosz Contest (for the book Prawda i mniemania. Studium filozofii Parmenidesa z Elei), Cracow, 2005;
- Nomination to an individual award of The Jan Dlugosz Contest (for the book Krytycyzm, sceptycyzm i zetetycyzm we wczesnej filozofii greckiej), Cracow, 2022;
- Award of the Faculty of Social Sciences for the habilitazionschrift, Katowice, 2006;
- Award of the Faculty of Social Sciences for doctoral dissertation, Katowice, 1998;
- Gold Badge of Merit for the University of Silesia, 2019.
Recent Funding Won – Principle Investigator for:
- Tradition und Formen der Kritik in der europäischen Philosophie. Sources of funding: Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung. Role in the project: Project Manager—Principal Investigator, 2016-2017.
- Pre-Socratic Philosophy. Fragments and Doxography – Translation and Commentary. Part I: The Beginnings of Philosophical Thought – The Ionians. NPRH/U22/SP/0034/2023/12, 2023–2025.
Leader of Research Teams: Critical Thinking Research Team (UŚ). |